Fourteen year old Logan...

Came into Ascent following an expulsion from his middle school for a series of fights, as well as making violent threats against his teachers.  When Logan returned to school the next fall, Ascent worked with Logan and his school to address his needs and build a supportive network.  The team developed an extensive crisis plan, and Logan began to learn and practice strategies to calm himself down.  At a school board hearing, an administrator pointed out that Logan had received eleven write-ups in the previous school year, but only five in the current year.  After that meeting, Logan really wanted to complete the school year without getting expelled - a complete turnaround from before when he wanted to drop out.  A few weeks later, Logan told his Wraparound Facilitator that he had been trying really hard but was repeatedly in trouble at school for putting his head on his desk.  Logan said his head was throbbing any time he tried to concentrate or focus.  His Facilitator asked questions about his sleeping, eating, and other habits to discover the cause.  Then she mentioned his vision, asking, "Logan, when was the last time you had your eyes checked?"  He said it had been three or four years.  Logan and his Facilitator walked straight over to the nurse's office and requested a vision test.  The nurse came back with results showing that Logan had 20/50 vision in one eye and 20/70 vision in the other eye.  The nurse claimed that this definitely could contribute to headaches.  Logan seemed excited that the eye exam had validated his headaches.  A few months later, Logan was promoted to the next grade, and, in the first report period, was passing his tests and receiving A's.